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Audi A2 3L: Hydraulic Pump Sound


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Having trouble with hydraulics on A2 1.2 TDI. Revised Clutch actuator installed earlier this year along with gearbox rebuild.


Now there is a strange noise after the pump is pressurized the system (another whirring sound from the hydraulic motor area) 


See:   https://photos.app.goo.gl/gyUQgzwD2Stqy9Cd6




Bearbeitet von ecoangeluk
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Refurbished Hydraulic Pump fitted. New Mineral Hydraulic fluid.  Basic setting and Clutch Creep point set as per http://wiki.ross-tech.com/wiki/index.php/5-Speed_Electronic_Manual_Transmission_(085)


3 changes before pump starts again even with a new Accumulator.


Put car back on it's wheels to test drive and engine stalled in 1st gear after engine start.


Refurbished clutch actuator was also fitted recently.


Any ideas?




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Please reduce the KNZ (clutch actuator) voltage.
I'd suggest to set it to 1.76-1,78 V (or even lower if it is already on this level).

After your basic setting you should start the engine in N and check that the release shaft moves ~1-2mm forward/backward smoothly.

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It looks to me that during the gearbox installation, the release bearing has jumped out of the guides of the lever. Therefore, the clutch can not be fully operated.


When i put the gearbox back in the car, i fix the lever with a zip tie. This prevents it from moving, so the release bearing can't slip out of the bracket.

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Vielen Dank. 


OK, adjusted back to 1.76v and clutch cable now moves 2-3mm in neutral. The pump runs for 4-5 seconds every 1:15 minutes


There is a noise with torque (clunk) but not sure if this is the clutch release bearing or suspension. 


All gears are working again although the engine stalls with air-conditioning on when at idle circa 850rpm. 


Otherwise it drives fine. 


To improve the number of changes before hydraulic pump activates would need what? New pipes? New gangsteller? 



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From  my experience 2-3 gear changes before the pump runs again is the normal average. Sometimes i see 3L achieving 4 gears before pump starts again and i have never seen any that does more than 5 gear changes.

To note: That's with the engine turned off. With engine turned on it should be some more as the pressure hysteresis thresholds for the pump are higher. Maybe that's why someone can get confused about it.


Am 28.6.2019 um 10:19 schrieb ecoangeluk:

That's a useful thread, I wish I had read a few months ago! Maybe I need to set KNZ lower than 1.76v to help stop the car stalling with aircon on? 

Have you managed to solve the stalling issue when aircon is turned on?


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