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[1.2 TDI ANY] Buy new driveshaft / neue Antriebswelle kaufen


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On our A2 1.2TDI, right driveshaft has some play at the end that is near the gearbox, not at the end near the wheel, and it "knocks" when applying load, mainly when a gear is changed.  

I want to buy a new one, but I can't find one in Romania after this code: 8Z0 407 272 AL

However, I found another  code that according to this site ( https://audi.7zap.com/en/rdw/audi+a2/a2/2004-248/4/407-407030/#1 )  might also fit on my A2 TDI 8Z0 407 452  X

Can you help me with some information about this right driving shaft? What are the differences about this two codes/items? 

Or maybe some aftermarket codes for driveshafts? I found this one : SKF VKJC5583 ( https://www.ebay.de/itm/SKF-Antriebswelle-VKJC-5583/383323850199?epid=1707785637&hash=item593fe1c5d7:g:h5kAAOSwZCBd-Kvl ).

Will it fit?

Can you help me with some information about this right driving shaft? What are the differences about this two codes/items? 

Thanks! :)


Bearbeitet von A2_1.2TDI_RO
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vor 36 Minuten schrieb A2_1.2TDI_RO:


This one is for the wheel side.


It is a good advice, to buy a repair set, and take only the Tripode, see Wiki.

1J0 498 103 K (identisch 1.4 TDI), 1J0 407 341 F, 1J0 407 341 D



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I was talking about gearbox side-Tripode side and wheel side-near brake caliper and not about the sides where it is mounted :D like on the left or right. 

So this SKF driveshafts fit on our A2 1.2TDI? 

6 minutes ago, janihani said:

It is a good advice, to buy a repair set, and take only the Tripode, see Wiki .

1J0 498 103 K (identical to 1.4 TDI), 1J0 407 341 F, 1J0 407 341 D



Niceee, thank you, is this problem with the Tripode play common on this model? We had another 1.4TDI A2, and 1.4TDi Lupo, and many other VAG Cars but never had an issue with the driveshafts...

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  • Nagah änderte den Titel in [1.2 TDI ANY] Buy new driveshaft / neue Antriebswelle kaufen

Ok, So  I have bought the gearbox mount 6e0407280 - oem 

Next I have bought the SFK VKJA 8013 (made after: 1J0 498 103 K)  - 1.4TDI repair kit for inner axle joint - just to use the tripode from here .

And the 6E0 498 201 - oem lupo joint cover. 

Now I have a problem. the Tripode from 1.4TDI kit just barely  fits inside the 6e0407280 oem new mount for 1.2TDi, it doesn't have any play ,it is very hard to be pushed with the finger inside, unlike when it it pushed in the mounting that came with the 1.4TDI kit. It seems like the bearings are a bit to big for the holes....

What do you think?


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We installed it, put some grease but still has a small amount of play...we will test it for the next days and  see if there are problems when turning, because I think that the shaft then needs to move a bit inside and outside depending to the side you turn.

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