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Hallo jeder!

Ich fahre nach Deutschland bald, A2. zu kaufen,. hier in meinem Land es gibt mehr Mercedes A klasse damit kleinere Auswahl von Audi A2.. Ich habe 9.750 Euros. Könnten Sie erzählen, dass mich welche resonable Bedingung des Autos für diesen Preis ich kaufen kann? wie viele Jahre, km usw. Könnten auch Sie erzählen, dass mich es gut bin, Auto auf automarkt zu suchen? ich habe angeschaut auf autoscout und beweglich. de irgendein, das andere stellt, gutes Auto zu finden? I prefer english if anyone speaks can answer me in english:) Danke Schon


okay, i will move this to the correct place (verbraucherberatung).


i personally don't know what 9750 will get you. what does mobile.de say?


hat jemand ideen?




O.K. for 9700 € you should either get an A2 with the style and advance-package from the year 2002 (model 03), I think.

Or an older one with more equipmennt.

I bought one from 6/2000 and I amn verry happy with this one . I have the 16" rims and Nebelscheinwerfer (cloud-lamps? :ver ) and the both packages and verry rare is: to get four electric windows.


Do you want a Dielsel? They are more expencive.


You should look for a newer one with normal extras (2002 , maybe you get 2003 petrol), or an older one , but then look to get more extras.


Good luck. erstens


Bret was faster, but look here! :Liste Gebrauchtwagenpreise

last page:Liste Gebrauchtwagenpreise

There , you will find , what I paid from private seller (But I was a lucky man :D )


nebelscheinwerfer - fog lamps


the model years change in July / August, so one registered (EZ - Erstzulassung) in Sept / Oct _should_ be from the next model year. EZ 10/2002 should be modelyear (MJ in German) 2003.


Avoid the really old ones and you should be fine.


something like this might be OK (remember, you're exporting so the rules are different - there's "no guarantee")












Thanx Bret you're very helpfull!. I forgot to tell that i look for tdi so its not that bright anymore ;) I wish to buy something between 65,000-85000 km and the year is not so important but should it be? I really like white ones but there no so many especially with my requirements;) Probably i go with black or Atlantic blue

My plan is that i phone someone from advertisment and come this guy but something might go wrong so is it safe to go on automarkts?.........

or better go straight to autodealer and buy car with 92,000 km..... for 9990 Euro :S

LOL Erstens thats tooooooooooo cheap :P

Can ya tell me 9,700 is enough?

I found :


(but there is "pries hit" in photo.. its private.. is it normal?)

and this


Both are very Temptating................. i wonder are those real.. i dont want to buy something which is broken :S

I prefert to buy something which worth this 9,700 then something with less km. but broken or after acidnet.

Thanks for attention :)



Actually TDI is a must :S i'm thinking about those to link i showed in previous post, i hope those car are worth of its price cuz their km.. looks temptating..

Danke Schon anyway :)


empfehlen - recommend


the first one - the preishit is a bit wierd, as normally this would imply a dealer and it seems to be a private offer... the second one is private.


you may get a better offer from a dealer as you're exporting. The one Herr Rossi saw looks really quite good - but that's what the difference between petrol and diesel is :)


Yes, you should avoid 2001 models. That's all. There were some problems with 2000 and 2001, 2002 is where things started getting much better. no more teething troubles.




hmm thats not so gut :/ my low budget dont give me big veriety of options.. TDI from 2002.. are quite expensive :( but like you said 2001/09 is a model 2002? right? so i should give a try to this second car you think?

I was there.. on audi.de :) There are cars with 100t km which i can afford its much im my opion but is it better to buy model from 2002 with 100t km or model from 2000 with 65t km?


2002, in my opinion.


and 2001/09 should be MJ 2002.


besides, if you call them and tell them you want to export they should reduce the price anyway.




Could you explain me this export-import thing ? ;) I heard that Germany Governament subsidizes cars which goes outside the country so its cheaper right? so i pay netto preis? its like 1000 Euro cheaper so i should look for cars with price 10,700 when comes to dealers? :) im not sure about that could U bright me this up?



the export thing is quite simple.


they don't have to provide a guarantee on a car you export. so they can charge less.


nothing else. No "subsidies" or similar (where did that come from?).


So, don't assume that just because a car has a show price of 10700 you have to pay 10700... something a little over budget is fine :)




well... i read somewhere but i guess ive mistaken something. I notice


that on mobile.de there's option export import cars and export netto price


differ to brutto price for 1300 Euro... thats quite nice :) and i find this





Its with all goodies leder ect. price is 10,300 so probably i would be able to afford after discount but Its Damir .. Dealer ( i heard that people from turkey and their bussiness and cars etc. arent that trustfull) so i guess wont buy from him.. Correct me if i wrong hehe :LDC


And last thing which confuses me the most priceses of cars are sooo much diffrent some people want 12,000 euro some want 10,500 for cars quite common... condition,equipment. Thats weird you cant tell what can be bait and whats not.. :S:evil:


the prices differ hugely depending on where you are in germany. Most people won't travel that far for a car because it means going and you don't know until you've seen it - so, they buy locally and where there's money the prices are higher.


the last one - seems a bit cheap. It's been chipped and dropped, though i suspect the leather isn't to everyone's taste which could explain the price. Whether the turks are more trustable than anyone else - i wouldn't say that, but... if it seems too cheap, there's probably a reason.



differ to brutto price for 1300 Euro... thats quite nice smile and i find this


Yes, you do save a lot of money! and should buy from a dealer and so you don't have to pay the Mehrwertsteuer=tax. So you pay the price without the MwSt.


You must ask this: Ist die Mehrwertsteuer ausweisbar?


All cars described with: "MwSt (=Mehrwertsteuer ) ausweisbar" are 16% cheaper for you. You need a : "Ausfuhrbescheinigung(=exportlicence)" and have to pay the tax in your country.




@frany: cooles englisch ;):D (nur lieb gemeint ;) )


many dealers will not sell without mwst... a colleague of mine tried this....


there's not necessarily a point anyway, as the VAT will then have to paid in your own country. For export to Finland it makes sense to insist that it is not paid, as i would have to pay 28% +22% MwSt (which is in itself illegal anyway and is being taken to the EU) - but for Poland i'm not sure.


Exportpreis is the key.




Which regions of germany are cheaper. I notice that postal code for example D-55246 will be somewhere in the center but D-94362 will be in the buttom of germany so which numbers are cheaper ;) i know that last one i gave should be cheaper then center of germany.And D-26789 Leer do you think this region is cheaper? cuz car from there have "okey"price :) its the second link i wrote.


Well, the german postal code system is not that easy to explain, so I´ll put a little map in here. In gerneral you can say that used cars in the east are cheaper than in the west. Especially in the ex-DDR. This would be postal code 0 and 1.


But back to the car. I think it would be much better to purchase a 2002 model with more kilometers than an older one with less. The A2 was improved every year and a 2002 model shouldn´t make any problems.


If you buy the car for export, you won´t pay taxes in Germany (16%). You import the car to poland and than you have to pay taxes (Einfuhrumsatzsteuer) there. If you buy the car at a Audi-Dealer perhaps it will be in better condition, because the dealer in Germany has tio give one year of warranty on used cars. But if you will get this warranty when exporting the car, I don´know.


Good luck and a lot of fun with your A2!



Sehr Sehr Danke! Nachtaktiver

You made the point ! :D thats what i was missing.


I decided to buy in Germany car because A2 has not that many owners here so selection of used ones is small... Polish owns more A3 or A4 but A2 is rare...even A klasse is more popular.

In my town i see most expensive cars cuz i live in very wealthy area of poland (tv owners,actors etc. lives in this town) My friend's dad has porsche Cayman but lots of them drives here, one time i was with my dog i saw SL55 AMG which soooooooooooo expensive.. i love that car but i wouldnt mind having sl500.. my dream car :)

I presonally prefer A2 then A klasse so i seek :) for my first car..


Thanks for attention to All




Ps. Can anyone give me tips how to search locally from this 0 and 1 regions? Audi Dealers would be helpfull ( i count i get discount since i wont have guarante for a car) how to search dealers or private offers from this 0 and 1 ? Do you think region with number 2 should be also with nice priceses?


With most of the searchengines (e.g.www.autoscout.de) it is possible to search after POSTLEITZAHLEN (PLZ). Simply type a Postal-Code which starts with 0 (e.g. 01854) into the gap and chose an "Umkreis" from the drop down menu...


Well, I also think the Mercedes-Benz SL ist a wonderful car, but I´ll never be a lucky one who can afford such a car. But even if I had the money, I won´t spend it for only one car, there are lot of better things to to with so much money...

The A-class is not as good as the A2. The A2 consists completley of aluminium und so the weight is much lower. You´ll fell it when riding...


So have a nice day and a lot of success in finding "your" A2.


Edit: I looked up some A2´s which wouldn´t be bad. In the PLZ of 0 and 1 are not many cars, but PLZ 9 has some....





Yeap not that many cars.. for those regions.

Those links which you gave are GOOD but not enough for some woman who will drive this car also ;) I mean she had red car so this color dont exist for her and silver is useless hehe WOMEN........ :S We look for black , atlantic blue or... WHITE (it rocks so much!! :D) there is one on scout.de and 2 on mobil.de and all 3 are not tdi :( But white is sooo nice acording to me what a pitty its rare :( how much cost to paint the car?;) from black to white hehe..


You gave one red model from 2003 but with 96,000 hmm i dont know but for me its much.. i dont know its small car with small engine so isnt that exploited? should i worry?


I found 2 tell me which is more worth to buy:)


http://www.autoscout24.de/home/index/detail.asp?ts=6581136&id=z3zgx42c4yp&source=as24_inseratsg_detail_ueberschrift (is this price okey? no bait here?)

and this one:


More equipment? but more km hmm and this price is okey too?


Which one would you choose :WTR:






I already said that a younger A2 with more kilometers is better than an older one with less. So if you could catch a 2003-Model (10.2002-10.2003) you would be lucky.


I wouldn´t worry about the kilometers too much. The engines should run 300.000km without big problems. We´ve got A2 TDI´s in the forum that have nearly 200.000km and there wasn´t really expensive repairs on it. I ride my A2 about 45.000km a year and I also plan at least 300.000km with the first engine.


From your suggestions I would but the second one. It´s simply equipped much better.


If you buy a TDI around 90.000km, ask the dealer if the Zahnriemen (sorry, don´t know it in english) has already be changed. In germany this would cost at least 350euros so this should already be done when you purchase it.


Yeap i like this one too.. but i wonder why only this car from all of their cars does not have Audi Gebrauchtwagen:plus, rest of A2 have it. only this model does not have its strange.. I've checked the dealer on Gebrauchtwagenbörse Audi.de so i compared it with another dealer and i found out that close model to ours from 2002 => http://www.autoscout24.de/home/index/detail.asp?ts=7871108&id=zos3d2qorlt&source=as24_inseratsg_detail_ueberschrift

have Audi Gebrauchtwagen:plus and all cars from this dealer have it.


Might this mean anything? that only this certain model that we liked havent got this option which includes Probefahrt:

Selbstverständlich, jederzeit und kostenlos which is STupid that is not available........... also this option have 10 Punkte Check

Der Komplett Check Ihres Fahrzeugs durch einen Kfz-Meister. Der Prüfbericht liegt im Fahrzeug aus.

:plus volles Umtauschrecht

Auf alle Gebrauchtwagen plus gilt 10 Tage lang Umtauschrecht. Bitte fragen Sie Ihren Audi Partner nach den Bedingungen.

:plus gute Finanzierungs- und Sonderkonditionen

Wir informieren Sie ständig über die aktuellen Angebote.

:plus Kfz-Versicherungsangebot

Auf Wunsch erstellen wir Ihnen unverbindlich ein maßgeschneidertes Versicherungspaket.

:plus Ersatzwagenstellung

Bei Werkstattaufenthalt, z.B. infolge eines Unfalls, stellen wir Ihnen sofort einen Ersatzwagen. Bitte fragen Sie Ihren Audi Partner nach den Bedingungen.

:plus Inzahlungnahme

Wenn Sie sich für einen Wagen von Audi Gebrauchtwagen plus entscheiden, nehmen wir Ihren Alten in Zahlung, egal welches Fabrikat

:plus Leasing

Vielfältige Angebote in allen Baureihen und Preisklassen.


Dont know why other dealer gives that option to almost the same car in the same condition. :S and "our" dealer give to other his cars also A2's but not for this which we like. :evil:


Well, I think this means that service from this dealer might be better. On the other hand this service costs money and guess who pays this...


I wonder if all these guarantees are also valid if you export the car to poland...


they both give guarantee.. but this who has nicer car does not give Audi Gebrauchtwagen:plus :S. Those gauarantees probably are not available.. in Poland i guess.. thats why i'd like to get discount..

But my main concern is about condition of this car, it stupid that free test drive is not available :) would that mean anything? hehe and this leads me to second dealer who has all cars with i Gebrauchtwagen:plus

cuz our dealer has only this car without option...

  • 2 Wochen später...

Hey Guys I found something... which is tempteting..............





theres even guarantie! but thats the only one Audi which this dealer owns.. i love the color and it has full package of goodies only 40,000 km its tdi but from 2001 what do you think?


Not bad - if you like white and if the milage is true. he first model years (t is one of the first) were ported to have some problems in the suspension (wear of joints).


Be careful about the wheels, these 17" S-line often had contact to curbs and since the tires are less wide than the rims this results in more orless severe scratches.


Check the Open Sky Roof carfully for noises while operating. It can only be replaced as a whole in case a bowden cable snaps and this costs something like 1.800 Euro - in Germany.


This car will have the smaller tank with 34 L only.


uh.. i wonder why its this cheap.. you gave me thinkin.. with those information.. which i recived from you. Is there possibility to reduce milage somehow on clocks?


Now i dont know :S cuz i really like white ones i dont need open sky but of course thats nice. Maybe i should buy just normal 2002 with 90,000km without equipment and slip calmly..? I'm not the risky type.. Do you think i can trust this dealer? :S i dont know.. next week i'll have few days off.. and i'd like to buy someones baby. hmm


Yes its possible to chance the mileage. I think you can trust the dealer, but perhaps the preowner has changed the mileage. I would look at the front window, if there are many scratches, the drivers seat, the steering wheel and of course the little book where the oil-changes were taken down.


If this all fits to the mileage the car should have been run and the Open Sky moves without any sound, this would be a very nice car for the money.


Nachtaktiver You told me to avoid older ones.. and like Gaudi (spanish architect? ;D ) said those ar first models of Tdi..


So i came down to:


From Audi's dealer with 12 months guarantie.. 80t km and 2002/08 !

i got nothing againt this one, just poor equipment but car must drives then just have goodies and brake all the time.



from Audi Vw group atlantic blue 90t km 2002/04 also not wealthy equipment and no information about guarantee but i belive those to 2 dealers give it and those cars seem to me the safest option looking to price.. not too cheap and not too expensive i dont look for ultra cheap i just look for something which is worth its price :)


on second hand we have



from audi dealer 90t km 2002/05 and good equipment.. but this dealer doesnt provide ONLY for this model "Audi Gebrauchtwagen:plus" and for rest of A2 and other cars they do.... which is kinda weird. But they give guarantee hehe....?!


And of course the last one WHITE...ONE :D we've been talked about which looks like real.. bargain but is it really ?? since its 2001..........and all isues..that cars suffer from those years. but this color,open sky and 40t km are SO Temptating.


Which one would you pick? okey i can go from dealer to dealer.. but how much i would spend for gas traveling around Germany lookin for car :D but i guess this would be more resonable.. to pick something good.

If ya want tell me what ya think about those cars and my coments to it.


Weill, I didn´t tell you to avoid the older ones, I just said if you had the choice between a younger one with more kilometers and an older one with less, take the younger one, because there were many improvements over the time and the engines don´t really care about the kilometers.


Well, the white one, which is well equipped and hasn`t got many kilometers will be worth its price in the same way the poorer eqipped ones from 2002 are. You have to make the decision after looking at the car, checking it and after listening to your heart how much equipment you really need.


So if you like white and much eqipment....look at the white one. If you don´t care about this , the 8/2002 would be the most interessting. I think both are solid cars.


Your advises are priceless for me thank you so much!

Now lets go to buying part ;)



i'll listen if there's any sound durring opening sun roof but this should be soundless ? like no soud at all ? or there will be sound of the motor which opens roof..?


What about wear of joints in the suspention, is possible to noticed it durring test drive? can this be fixed somehow? What is the cost and is it serious isue ?


About the mileage..

I thought it can not be reduced but your prove me wrong.. i thought its protected somehow anyways.. i will look for doormat if its used,steering wheel, driver sit, and front window.. other placeses that you recomend me to check ?

and what about "the little book where the oil-changes were taken down" what i should look for in it..?

Those tires actually looks soo tiny......probably i will need to buy new, normal ones.. can i ask dealer for extra tires?


If anyone noticed other isues caused by using... car let me know.


I really like white one.. and thats only white tdi in Germany lol so.. i hope it will be available next week still.......


Sorry for stupid question but i dont know much about cars :S


Tanks for attention :)


Ps. Anyone rember what were improvements from 2000/2001 to 2002/2004? i thought that the engine was modificated somehow but Nachtaktiver sugested me its not about engine..


No, it isn´t slower. It´s a great car. But it has got two problems.


1st. The transmission often causes trouble.

2nd. The mechanics even in germany havn´t got any idea about this car. I think it´s not better in poland...


If you want so sleep calmly, buy a 1.4tdi...


im gonna go to Germany after christmas.. and i wonder because this white one.. got 17" S lines.. Do you think its a must.. to buy new tires? cuz i live in area with woods and sometimes there is no typical road or the road has a lot curbs.. (sick people come here to breath healthy air..)

I acually not many people have this thin.. tires. I know i should buy cayman hehe. I wonder if its soo low? with this 17" tires.. can i expect from dealer to give me present like new tires :D


Ok, then you`ll be in trouble with the S-lines. You better look after 15inch rims. They have a chance to survive...


I don´t think any dealer would give you other tires as a present, but look into the Basar, there are often cheap rims and you could also sell your S-lines here or in Ebay.


...im gonna go to Germany after christmas..


I hope you are not really talking about coming here after christmas.

I suppose you meant easter :D

Regarding your "problem" with the 17inch wheels, I would offer you to change them against my 15'' steel whels with no extra cost ;-)





Yeap.. im gonna go for it on tue.. so wed. morrning ill do what i got to do.. and maybe i will leave Germany thu or Friday depends if i get day off.. anyways i lookin for normal tires, used as less as possible...... :D instead i can give ya 40t km wheels 17' S lines

Ps. Dealer is from 39576 area i hope ya wont! ask me to go 90xxx for tires ;)




I would really be interested to exchange the tires with you if you really want to. I am living near Frankfurt, so I would have to travel 520km (one way) to get them. I just checked my summer tires (I'm also new here, just got my car yesterday). The tires have between 5,5 and 7 mm profile (The car has 45000km overall/ 3 years old). The previous owner told me that they forgot to change to the summer tires last year so they have been driven two summers only, probably less then 20000km. As I said, these are the standard 175/60 on steel rims (with hub caps). You are probably aware of the fact, that realistically seen your rims are more worth than mine ;-)




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