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Problems with 1,2 Gearbox


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Let me quote myself:

Could you please check the Measuring Block 003? Field 3 and 4 shows the clutch's actual value and the set value. If they differ, the ecu tries to trigger the clutch valve.

In Block 005 Field 4 you'll find the current running through the valve. It should be 0,03 to 0730A for the closed clutch and 0,800..0,900A for the opened clutch.

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new ecu helped :D so I'm happy, but now I'm stuck with adaptation. when I start with 014 block and see adjust the upper potenciometer is impossible to move down so that it matches the whole? only if loosen the pressure it is possible to do that. So what shall I do? Loosen the pressure, and maybe put the bolt into that whole? but I'm afraid to damage something

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I moved it by force locked it with pin in the whole, then tightened the 13 bolt with the gear linkage being in neutral. And now during adaptation the robot moves up and down, but does not move back and forth :( and still I get 12. HELP

Bearbeitet von Martynas
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Just because I'm nosy: Where did you buy a spare gear ecu so quickly?


Towards your problem: Are you sure, that the carrier on the 'potentiometer' fits into the slot of the actuator?


Your picture shows the slot of the actuator:



You could check this in Measuring Block 015/3 -> this value should correspond to the positon of the part that doesn't move on your actuator.

Bearbeitet von Mankmil
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I bought the ECU from local junkyard for 44 eur.

And yes I'm sure that i did put into the slot, what I'm not sure is the part inside the robot that is easy to put on in many different ways, but I followed the pictures that weisse a2 provided and did put it on accordingly.

Will check that 15 block you suggested and will come back. Thanks

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3rd box is the position of G239 (the lover potentiometer belonging to the arm that doesn't move on your actuator)

4rd box is the position of G240 (the upper potentiometer)


If you move the actuator manually, both values should change between ~1.0V and 4.0V.

But at fist glance, both values are looking good.


Are you sure, that you connected the valve's plugs correctly? Did you mark them?

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015 block I see 0,47v on third and 2,09 on the last one.... is it ok?


This is definitely out of the tolerance range (0,47V - allowed are 1.6 +- 0.4V ... 3.8 +-0.4V). Either you assembled the rocker in the wrong position on the shaft or the carrier doesn't fit into the potentiometer's slot.

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I'm not sure, but I think in the "Adjust" Mode the actuator is pressurized and driven into its neutral position. I this mode you shouldn't be able move anything.

Then you release the connection to the gearbox and put the gearbox in neutral position too. Otherwise you won't get a "Grundeinstellung".


But that's only what I expect from a "Grundeinstellung", I haven't tested it.

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I read the 221pdf Arthur suggested once again, took the potentiometer off, now the voltage is 2,99 and 2,09, but when I launch adaptation there is no movement :(yesterday at least there was up and down. And again even if I release the pressure the valves keep holding and not letting to move the lower leg

Bearbeitet von Martynas
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You start the basic setting with gear lever in tiptronic-mode, at point adjust you move the lever over to E. Now you can open the nut at the long hole under the gear selector. The gear selector now will get in the right position by itself (you can't move the rod by yourself, that's ok). After that adjustment go back in the car and put the gear lever back to tiptronic (don't shift into N!). The basic setting will continue automatically.

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