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I am new to the forum, live in the US, and come often to Europe on business. I am looking for a car to keep there and came across a low mileage S-Line for sale in Austria. The seller was asking 12,900 euro and has reduced the price to 11,500. It is the 110 horsepower version, which I understand to be rare.


My questions: Is this a high price? Is the turbo troublesome?


Any additional input would be appreciated.....Danke!!


Hi and welcome to the forum :)


That price is way overblown for any A2 out there, especially if you just plan to use it as a daily driver and not as a collectible. The gasoline engines aren't turbocharged, the diesel ones are though.


Could you link us to the offer? Generally, prices are lower in Germany than in Austria or Switzerland, where do you plan to register the car?


And, being an American and all, can you drive stick?

Hi and welcome to the forum :)


That price is way overblown for any A2 out there, especially if you just plan to use it as a daily driver and not as a collectible. The gasoline engines aren't turbocharged, the diesel ones are though.


Could you link us to the offer? Generally, prices are lower in Germany than in Austria or Switzerland, where do you plan to register the car?


And, being an American and all, can you drive stick?


Hi...what should the price point be? I've seen cars priced close to that in the UK...what kind of prices in Germany? Yes I can drive a stick. I will send you the link when I get home later this evening. I am open as far as registration goes...any suggestions? Will look forward to hearing back from you...thanks....Jeff


Check them out yourself - anything with "DE -" in front of the zipcode is a car sold in Germany:


Search Results: Cars on mobile.de


I'm German so of course my car is registered in Germany. I don't know what procedure you'd have to go through to get it registered here as a US citizen. Also I don't know about the taxes and insurance rates across Europe, for my A2 1.4 gasoline I pay around 400EUR insurance (including self inflicted damage) and around 95EUR in taxes. Oh, and a practical question: How do you plan to store the car when you're abroad?


Thank you for your concern...of course I have checked other cars out myself on Mobile.de! None of the cars I have come across have mileage as low as the one in question and none were S-line cars with the 110 HP motor. So, my friend it is not quite as simple or basic as you imply.


I am seeking some specifics, and since you were so adamant about the price being so high I simply would like to know what you feel the price should be...some baseline from which I can negotiate with the broker. Please understand this is not my first car purchase and that I am capable of figuring out insurance costs, storage, and my own abilities in regard to driving a car with manual transmission. Perhaps it would best for me to translate my questions into German in order to get a broader range of responses. At any rate thanks for the information aand interest you have provided!


Hello...I am a new member and am looking at an A@ S-Line in Austria. Does anyone know of a reputable garage or club member who could inspect this car for me? I live overseas and will be in Europe next week. I will attempt to translate this into German through Google Translate.


Thank you



Hallo ... ich bin ein neues Mitglied und bin auf einem A @ S-Line in Österreich suchen. Kennt jemand eine seriöse Garage oder Vereinsmitglied, die dieses Auto für mich könnte inspizieren wissen? Ich lebe im Ausland und wird in Europa nächste Woche. Ich werde versuchen, diese ins Deutsche zu übersetzen mit Google Translate.






I guess it would help if you tell us more about the specs of the car offered - s-line doesn't really say it all - what do you consider as low mileage, what year was the car built in?


I also think that 11.500 is quite a sum - if you check prices online, you get a FSI for about 7500-9000 with low mileage - only that it isn't an s-line.


So I guess in the end a car is worth the price you are willing to pay - if s-line is a must-have for you, then go for it. But I guess for that price, the car should look very nice, be in great condition and should have some extras.


If you want to have the car checked - just go to the next Audi-dealership and ask them. In Germany at least (I guess the same in austria) there are also some garages cooperating with the AAA-equivalent. There you can also have a check. Finally, you could also go to the TÜV-places (again Germany).


Either way, hope you'll find something you will enjoy.


Hi ...thanks for the input...I'm new to the A2 so this is guidance that I need. Here's the description of the car from the ad; I hope this provides some insight into the model...it's all I have to go on:


Body shape Coupé

Model year 2004

Cubic capacity 1.600

Hp/kW 110/81

Gearbox 5-Gang

km 55.000

Color imolagelb

Interior schwarz/gelb


S-line-Paket, Klimaanlage Climatronic, elektr. Fensterheber vorne, Rückbank geteilt umlegbar, Lederlenkrad, doppelter Kofferraumboden, Vordersitze hohenverstellbar, Sitzheizung li + re, Zentralverriegelung mit Fernbedienung, Make-up Spiegel beleuchtet, Airbag li + re + seitlich, Einparkhilfe, CD-Radio (Concert), colour storm, Advance + Style Pakete, unfallfrei, Serivcebuch vollständig, Zahnriemen neu, sehr guter Originalzustand

€ 12.900,00

Thank you for your concern...of course I have checked other cars out myself on Mobile.de! None of the cars I have come across have mileage as low as the one in question and none were S-line cars with the 110 HP motor. So, my friend it is not quite as simple or basic as you imply.


S-Line doesn't mean anything: Traditionally cars here don't come in three variants (basic, LX, SLX, you get the idea) with fixed combinations of engine and options but are very individually configured. Germans tend to make a science out of that, have a look at the options list in the german car configurator for the Golf, e.g. vs. the US one ;) Regarding the A2, you might find the basic 75hp gasoline engine with a full options list including panorama roof, satnav and Bose soundsystem as well as a totally barebone 110hp FSI engined one. So the information you give us is insufficient for a proper answer.


You're by far not the first person asking for advice here. Usually it works best if people just link to the mobile/aotusocut/whatever page of the car they're interested in and forum members will check out the photographs and description and give you their opinion.


Is there a reason you insist on having the FSI?


My understanding is that the S-Line includes a different suspension, 17" wheels, and various other options to include seat coverings etc. I do not "have-to-have" an S-Line version, it just so happens that the car I was looking at was an S-Line model...hence my specific questions...sounds like you have some issue with the S-Line!


Obviously I am still on the learning curve and consequently appreciate any and all information I can find. I believe I just copied the ad information in my last response, but the photo did not copy. The car is yellow with blue/gray trim and seat bolsters with yellow inserts,

(another S-Line feature I have been told); the wheels are not perfect, and have some curb rash and scratches. That's all I've got on it and it is priced at the high end of the spectrum, but I have seen some others in that price range.


The S-Line suspension is the same as the normal A2s, it's just lowered and has stiffer dampers. Also, it is completely and entirely shitty. If you want your A2 to feel a little sporty-ish, you're better off starting with a normal suspension and replacing the standard dampers with Bilstein B6s in combination with moderate lowering. 17" rims can also be fitted to any A2 out there. The rest is just cosmetics, personally they wouldn't be worth the premium for me.


What you describe (it would, again, help immensely if you would just link to the car so we could see the pictures) is the color.storm package. It came with certain colors in later model years.


You should know that a lot of sellers label their A2 as a "S-Line" just because it has the 17" wheels. However, the real S-Line models are very rare. That's the reason why it would be a good idea to post some photos here (especially from the interiour). So the users here can tell you whether it's really a S-Line or not.


(Yellow seats with yellow inserts are not a sign for the S-Line. That's because of the "color storm" version. That means: black roof and wings while the rest of the car is yellow.)


Okay Herr Tichy...now we're getting somewhere! I looked at your attachment and yes, it appears this car is the Storm version in yellow. I tried to send the link and got an administrator's note saying it had to be approved. I also copied the ad but the photo did not attach. I'll something different andpost the whole thing by selecting the entire ad..let's see what happens. I did find a similar car in Italy, ( where I will be on business), which is a FSI S-Line, bit the roof and trim are painted the same color as the body...silver.


Anyway I'll send the ads again, hopefully with sucess...and Thanks... His site is: Dr. Georg Konradsheim - Porsche mit Leidenschaft



Dr. Georg Konradsheim - Porsche mit Leidenschaft













QUOTE=herr_tichy;988933]The S-Line suspension is the same as the normal A2s, it's just lowered and has stiffer dampers. Also, it is completely and entirely shitty. If you want your A2 to feel a little sporty-ish, you're better off starting with a normal suspension and replacing the standard dampers with Bilstein B6s in combination with moderate lowering. 17" rims can also be fitted to any A2 out there. The rest is just cosmetics, personally they wouldn't be worth the premium for me.


What you describe (it would, again, help immensely if you would just link to the car so we could see the pictures) is the color.storm package. It came with certain colors in later model years.


the yelow CS has no leather seats, no FIS (Driver Information system/Boardcomputer), no Sport-Seats - not interesting, too expensive.

In m. o. Dr. Konradsheim wants to transfer the crazy ideas of porsche collectors (late modells, low mileage, growing worth...) to the A2. But it doesnt work.

  • 1 Monat später...
You should know that a lot of sellers label their A2 as a "S-Line" just because it has the 17" wheels. However, the real S-Line models are very rare. That's the reason why it would be a good idea to post some photos here (especially from the interiour). So the users here can tell you whether it's really a S-Line or not.


(Yellow seats with yellow inserts are not a sign for the S-Line. That's because of the "color storm" version. That means: black roof and wings while the rest of the car is yellow.)


Hi...have you been getting my PM's? Drop me a line...thanks!


@Goerdi: Ist doch eh schon schwierig. Warum mit deiner persönlichen MEINUNG noch schwieriger machen? Der blaue Bock wird schon wissen, was er will. Und Sportsitze sind kein Must, sondern für manchen ein sogenanntes No-go.


@bleumouton: If you take a look @ mobile.de or similar portals, you will find that now more than 10.000 € is not a price payed for an A2. I'd take this as a basis for my negotiations. Don't overestimate the value of a low mileage…

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