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IT9 unfugthread


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vor 13 Minuten schrieb pocoloco:

The bmw is all ready fixt  Michael :D


I thought you're sitting in the Netherlands, not in Russia! B|


But the bonnet is a good point, that's got to be removed before shipping to Suomi. Not to mention the wrong color, but for that you're anyhow a specialist. To make it green shouldn't be a bigger issue...

Bearbeitet von McFly
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now I found myself looking at these, but RHD and JDM... yo ;)


If I import one I should be able to sell it on at a decent price, too. But only if it's a turbo. Found a couple of interesting ones yesterday from 2007....


 - Bret

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  • 1 Monat später...
vor einer Stunde schrieb McFly:

...und ein Torsenmitteldiff haben? Antwort bitte im IT9 Unfugthread. B|

Ok, ich gebs zu:


Ich habs googeln müssen :D


Als Antwort: Who knows.... die Hinweise verdichten sich ;)

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vor 18 Stunden schrieb Durnesss:

aber Quattro, und damit fährt er deiner kopflastigen, übermotorisierten, Grip-armen poser Karre um die Ohren. :Hofnarr:



Du hast ja keine Ahnung........... :D:D:D



Sind die Frontschürzen denn wirklich so gefährdet, haben sich die Teilnehmer die reihenweise zerstört oder vermackt? Wenn ja, dann wird das zumindest dezent verschwiegen :)

Sollte ich mir wirklich eine Ersatzfrontschürze bereitlegen für den IT??? :D

Bearbeitet von A2Hesse
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vor 8 Stunden schrieb McFly:

Are you planning to do some reinforcement for the undercarriage? I can already see the low front and aft bumpers coming loose in the snow walls, in particular once you get stuck and pulled out.

There is already a large bottom plate underneath, and I can set the suspension higher as it should.
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Large bottom plate sounds good. 


Also die Schürze der Limo hat schon gelitten. Die Gitter sind alle nach innen gedrückt. Der Unterboden hat auch Risse wo er zwischen Schnee und Stabi gekommen ist. Radspoiler und Schale sind teilweise ausgerissen. Schnee ist nicht so weich wie man gerne vermutet. Insbesondere wenn er von 2t mit 60 bis 80 km/h verdichtet wird.


Filigrane und tief sitzende Schürzen sind ungeeignet, oder nur für "ESP-always-on-Fahrer". 

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^^ this. I don't see it as a massive problem, but it's something you should be aware of and work to. It's one of the reasons I don't have at least one front brake spoiler on the A2, because I dropped into a 20+cm deep crater a few years ago and ripped it off. That was a puddle in the ice and looked completely innocent....


Snow *is* soft *until it is compacted* at which point it can be incredibly hard. 


I would personally not bring something that is concours to track. I would bring something I care about and want to use as it was intended - sideways. But with the proviso that I know it's in good mechanical condition, because brakes will be stressed, engines will be revved, heat may be an issue. Which is why I probably wouldn't bring a freshly-re-engined car unless it's already well run-in which is also a good shake-down. And this is also why I'm thinking about it now, so if I decided I wanted to go find a B5 1.8q, I could, and then get its brakepipes sorted, fluid and pads changed, oil changed and then make sure the suspension works the way it should while the roads are still grey. That way, I'd get as much as possible out of the event and as much driving time as I could rather than cursing because propshaft bolts break first thing Saturday morning....


 - Bret

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