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A2 Abt for sale


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Hi guys ( and gals !),


my A2 is looking for a new home. Bought second hand from Audi Cadolzburg in 2003, this 2002 model has 226kkm, skimmed cylinder head after coolant problem and FSH. It has lived with us in Toulouse on French plates but we are now going back to UK. Panorama roof and Abt. No idea how much it is worth, nor how to find new owner, but rare car and sorry to say goodbye. Silver, 2 sets of tyres. Nedglobal@icloud.com

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Morning, Ned!


Wait a minute... You like your A2 but you're going back to the UK - and presumably don't want to drive a LHD vehicle there? I'm just after reading that a forum member has an acquaintance who owns a RHD A2 which his wife doesn't like much.


Obvious solution: Why don't you swap?





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Hi and thanks for your reply. However, I don't think the logistics are feasible. I was hoping that because it is a rare ABT version that someone in Germany would want to take it back home. I notice that there seems to be little interest in the a2's for sale on this site so maybe I have got it wrong that a club member would be interested. Thanks for the suggestion anyway  ?


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Hello again, 

ok, thanks for the advice. Here are some photos and more history. No accident damage, only new panorama roof following stone damage by truck. Slight crease in right side rear door when a dog ran into it while parked ! Front plastic spoiler torn by low kerb. 2nd set of tyres are Audi lo-profile. Price ? How about €2250. What is TBH ?













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Hello Frickler, no message received @   Nedglobal@icloud. com, ‘handi’ is +44 7492 866516. 

Sorry I am unable to respond to others in German language, French and English ok. 



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vor 5 Stunden schrieb McFly:

Hihi, den hat Abt wg. der Straßenlage mit Beton ausgegossen. Für die 1.505kg Gesamtgewicht brauchts dann auch den Chip... :Hofnarr:


vor 5 Stunden schrieb ttplayer:

Ich finde den Klasse. Da kann man vom Kofferraumboden essen ...... man findet nämlich immer was. Was eine verranzte Karre.


vor einer Stunde schrieb Pyro_loe:

Was ist denn von Abt an dieser A2.

Nur das Schriftzug hinten?


vor einer Stunde schrieb McFly:

Steht doch auf der Rechnung. :kratz:




This is the English section of the forum. Please stick to English.


- Nagah


  • Daumen hoch. 1
  • Danke! 1
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Oops...not too obvious if browsing with the mobile. Anyhow, it's just a regular A2 with an Abt tuning and sticker and a bit heavy as written in the papers. :)


For a car used in Toulouse it's in surprisingly good shape. Apparently it wasn't parked that often in the inner city.

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  • 3 Wochen später...



My wife and I are in France and have been there to see this A2 today. We took our VCDS and coating thickness gauge (Schichtdickenmessgerät) with us and checked the car in detail and found the following deficiencies:


- door seal broken on both rear doors

- the glassroof does not open smooth and crackles

- small crack in the plastics between radio and drink holder

- door retaining straps (Türfangband) front left sounds horrible

- Pixel errors in the combination/instrument cluster (Kombiinstrument), so some pixels are always on and/but first number of the date is not shown

- ECU not diagnoseable with "auto scan"

- Textile on the door panel glued and is a blemish

- Cover of the cigarette lighter broken

- several scratches all around the car

- Radio has no signal, connection to antenna and antenna amplifier is lost

- left front speaker doesn't work at all

- Cluff compartment (Handschuhfach) locking mechanism is broken on the right side

- water drain in engine bonnet clogged

- plastic parts around the head rest partly broken/lost

- seats partly dirty

- the luggage compartment is wet, to reduce the humidity there are 2 holes drilled in the bottom, to let the water leave

- rocker panel on the right side damaged before the backwheel

- underride guard broken and not assambled properly

- front lip cracked

- massive dent from below under the passanger seat

- cockpit "oily"

- engine black from oil

- steering play, driving experiance spongy

- left rear door does't lock/unlock all the times

- clutch feels close to it's end

- front brake on the right side does't open properly and get's hot without braking, just from driving

- cord from the tank cap torn

- button for tank cap unlocking seems to fall out when tesa will be removed

- plastic nose on hand brake broken, can be disassambled easily with3 fingers

- wheel alignment incorrect

- 3/4 plugs at the jacking point (Wagenheberaufnahme) affected negatively

- under the hand brake the upholstery looks really used....

- turbo charger does not work below 2000 rpm??

- Führung an Motorhaube zum Einsetzen nicht in Wagenfarbe? - how can this be translated to english?

- Oil change has to be done in 200 km

- thermostatic valve does not close properly

 VCDS says but not really relevant

- several faults about "Defrosterklappe", "Zentralklappe", temparatur sensor and so on

- Verdampfer sporadischer Kurzschluss. 

- sprodischer Ausfall climatronic bedienelement




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