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[1.2 TDI ANY] Jemand da der seinen Querlenker/Dreieckslenker gewechselt hat?

Empfohlene Beiträge

vor 20 Minuten schrieb A2 HL jense:


any updates on that?


Yes, the price of changing the ball joint is 75 Euro per one control arm. 

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 14 Minuten schrieb soul87:


Yes, the price of changing the ball joint is 75 Euro per one control arm. 


Thanks a lot!!


This is Including the new ball Joint?

Bearbeitet von A2 HL jense
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
19 minutes ago A2 HL jense wrote:


Thanks a lot!!


This is Including the new ball Joint?


yes, ball joint plus labor 


and off course we need to include shipping cost. 

Bearbeitet von soul87

If someone want You can ship the control arms to me and I can help and take them to tencar for repair and then ship back.


Just pm me



vor 55 Minuten schrieb soul87:

If someone want You can ship the control arms to me and I can help and take them to tencar for repair and then ship back.


Just pm me



thanks for the offer! I now look for broken ones to buy ...

  • 1 Jahr später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Am 29.1.2023 um 12:52 schrieb soul87:

Yes. It turned out that outside diameters are the same. I don't know why some people write that diameters are different.




Bearbeitet von A2 HL jense

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