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We are now three people over at the Swedish A2 forum looking for the inner tripod on the left hand drive shaft, for the 1.2 TDI. I've just read in the Wiki that you can't buy the tripod as a spare part and you have to replace the whole thing (which is probably expensive as hell?).


We've searched ebay without any luck at all for some aftermarket part.


Does anyone have any tips on where we can get the part?

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should be 8Z0407451X? Which according to Nininet is around €300 inkl moms, with a potential 20% discount. So €240 / 2200SEK.


Now deliverability is another story...


- Bret


Nämen hej!


I managed to find that part number plus this one; 8Z0407271AK

I'm not really sure which one that really fits.


But with a number it's much easier to get searching, though at around 2200sek (240€) plus postage I'm looking at around ~260€, when all I need is the tripod. Annoying ;P

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yeah, it appears that the tripod assembly itself doesn't have a spare part number, so you have to order the complete shaft.


get shafted, so to speak ;-)


Anyway. 8Z0 407 272 AL is given as being the part number for the *right side* driveshaft; therefore 71 would be correct for the left. However, I'm 99%+ sure that -271AL - is a part number for a different 'box, i.e. not the 1.2 / ANY combination.


I'd suggest emailing a decent dealer the VIN and get their confirmation of the part number. I have to be in Laakkonen tomorrow anyway to pick up some bolts for my suspension change next week, so can ask if they have any opinion on the matter.


- Bret

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Hey, I think the vw Lupo has the same gearbox and so the it may be the same.


That's right. The tripode of the Lupo's drive shaft is similar to the A2 one, but it is a little bit cheaper (6E0407272D ~115 Euro).

It is available from SKF or SPIDAN, maybe it is possible to order just the tripode from one of these suppliers?! :kratz:

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After a few hours in the garage I've come to the conclusion that I have a small play in my differential.


The right side has no play at all, but the left side has a few degrees of play (backlash). The question is, how much is OK? Can any one recall if they have any play at all on the left side?


By this I'm reffering to that you can turn the drive shaft a few degrees before the gear box locks up and starts turning the other wheel.

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