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Hi, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Giovanni. I was born and I live in Rome.

I bought an A2 TDI 90 PS in Germany at Aach in Audi dealer in 2005. I registered to your forum because it is the richest of news and details about our A2. I do not speak German but thanks to google translate I can not understand the script, but to write I'll have to use Italian and English. Maybe there is someone in the forum who also speaks Italian.

I ask you for advice. I would sell my A2 to buy an A2 FSI S-LINE. I'm doing the right thing? I would like your opinion.

My A2 has 180,000 km and has no problems. I replaced the distribution chain, clutch (valeo mono mass), EGR and engine mounts.

I found a S-LINE A2 FSI with 110,000 kilometers of 2012 in good condition but I'm looking for in Germany.



in Italian language


Salve, vorrei presentarmi . Mi chiamo Giovanni sono nato e vivo a Roma.

Ho acquistato una A2 TDI 90 CV in Germania presso Aach in concessionario Audi nel 2005. Mi sono registrato al vostro forum perchè è il più ricco di notizie e dettagli sulle nostre A2. Io non parlo tedesco ma grazie a google translate io riesco a capire lo scritto, but per scrivere dovrò usare l'italiano e l'inglese. Magari nel forum c'è qualcuno che parla anche italiano.

vi chiedo un consiglio. Vorrei vendere la mia A2 per acquistare una A2 FSI S-LINE. Sto io facendo la cosa giusta? Vorrei un vostro parere.

La mia A2 ha 180.000 km e non ha problemi. Ho sostituito catena distribuzione, frizione (valeo mono massa), egr and supporti motore.

Io trovato una A2 FSI S-LINE con 110.000 km del 2012 in buone condizioni ma sto cercando anche in Germania.



Bearbeitet von ivan1965
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I will tell you my personal opinion: Never ever sell a 90PS for a 110PS.


The only reason to prefer the 110PS is if you do absolutely dislike Diesels and you like having expensive repairs (that you should be able to do on your own).


Dispite that the 90PS feels stronger and faster than the 110PS and uses less fuel.



Keep yours, mate!

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I would sell my A2 to buy an A2 FSI S-LINE. I'm doing the right thing? I would like your opinion.




My A2 has 180,000 km and has no problems.


Hell, no. The FSI range has increasing amounts of trouble with aging plastics in the coolant circuit and the swirl flap mechanics in the intake. There has been a software modification by a forum member that lowers the coolant temperature to 90°C and modifies some of the exhaust treatment so the aging of the NOx sensors becomes less critical. That however does not reverse plastics aging from running at 110°C until now and the youngest ones you'll find are at least 10 years old.

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Thanks for your answers

I explain my reasons.

First, I love the s-line version. It 's almost impossible to find a 90 HP s-line if not at high costs

The second is the European anti-pollution standards.

The euro 4 may not be able to move in a few years.

However, you have convinced me; I will keep my TDI 90 hp. I would like to make changes, but unfortunately, in Italy you can not make tuning except for the one written on the registration certificate. For example on my A2. I can not install wheels/tires 17". Should I ask the permission of Audi Italy but it does not release.

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Sorry for arguing but which needs are putting the 110PS on top of the 90PS?


The need for speed, the need for s-line, the need to feel better driving on fuel, the need for less tax, the need for a 4cylinder engine, the need for the most expensive/"best"/largest engine, whatever...


As i said, i would choose the ATL, but i also wont say no to a nice A2 FSI.

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The need for speed, the need for s-line, the need to feel better driving on fuel, the need for less tax, the need for a 4cylinder engine, the need for the most expensive/"best"/largest engine, whatever...


As i said, i would choose the ATL, but i also wont say no to a nice A2 FSI.


Thanks for the clarification.


Thanks for your answers

I explain my reasons.

First, I love the s-line version. It 's almost impossible to find a 90 HP s-line if not at high costs

The second is the European anti-pollution standards.

The euro 4 may not be able to move in a few years.

However, you have convinced me; I will keep my TDI 90 hp. I would like to make changes, but unfortunately, in Italy you can not make tuning except for the one written on the registration certificate. For example on my A2. I can not install wheels/tires 17". Should I ask the permission of Audi Italy but it does not release.


Well, you might want to get the CoC for your car. In that one every single wheelsize from factory for your car is noted. Maybe there it says 17 inches to be cleared for your car.


Get it here: COC-Onlineservice

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Well, there is no update but one CoC. If you really have a CoC you do not need another.


But I am a little confused that you have one from 2005 without a mention of the 17 inches in them.


Does it state 205/40 R17 wheels?

Maybe you could post a scan or photo of your CoC?

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I fear it is impossible, because the original certificate coc was brought the italian vehicle registration. Then, the certificate coc must be written chassis number my A2.

The only solution is to get the authorization of Audi.


Well, there is such an authorization for the Audi 17" wheels:



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ATLs with reasonable mileage are generally the Most expensive A2s around. Retrofitting the usual s-line items is doable AT a reasonable cost (Steering wheel, gearshifter, wheels (Good ones are quite pricey)). S-line suspension isn't really worth Retrofitting imho - there are better aftermarket alternatives available. S line plus items are a whole different Story...

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