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[1.2 TDI ANY] Stuck in 2nd gear before traffic lights, engine has turned off from its own


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Hello from Romania!

Today our A2 1.2TDi died in the middle of the city at a red light. I've seen that the gear indicator in the cluster was indicating 2nd gear when I've stopped and waiting for the green light. After I ve released the brake the engine has turned off. I've turned off the ignition, crank it up again and everything was normal. For the last few days in the morning, when I open the driver door I can't hear the pressure pump. It starts after turning on the engine. It shows on the cluster that the door is open so it is not door switch related. I ve connected my vcds and I attach the faults. I've erased them run the car, it didn't died again and no errors were shown. I blame the pressure accumulator but what do you think? I can do 3-4 shifts within the pump starts making pressure. I've also looked at channel 20 in measuring blocks. with the engine off when g270 - pressure switch is around 2.6V it starts pumping until it reaches 3.2V. If the car is in stop it keeps the pressure but if I let it in other levier positions (with the engine off like I said) the value slowly decreases until in the end the pump start again.



erori 3l.png

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First you habe to check the Hydraulicpump. How long does it take time to pump up?  Low noise indicates weak eMotorpower.

Second start gearbox pairing instruktion. 
delete before pairing all errors and check öl level 

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20 hours ago, ehrbus said:

First you have to check the hydraulic pump. How long does it take time to pump up? Low noise indicates weak eMotorpower.

Second start gearbox pairing instruction. 
delete before pairing all errors and check oil level 

It takes a few seconds to reach the max pressure value. So I bet the pump is fine.

16 hours ago, Mankmil said:

Is there enough oil in the hydraulic pump's reservoir?

After this event I've put some oil, it was slightly under the level rectangle. Now,after 2 days it is still where it was so it is not leaking. Where could it loose pressure? 

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