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IT7-The Last Ice Age: Diskussionsthread


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Hmmmm.... gestählter Informatikerkörper mit Winterspeck bei -5°C. Be careful what you wish for...

Na die Temp macht bei der Optik wenig Unterschied, und bei 95° werden wir's doch so oder so ertragen müssen. Da kannste auch ins Wasser hüpfen... ;)

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Heute Abend ist es verdammt frisch draussen. Wenn es jetzt anfängt für ein paar Tage kühler zu werden - Sonntag soll es wieder Sturm, Regen und +5 geben - dann wird's echt schnell gehen mit Eis auf'm Wasser.

Zu merken ist das der Track im Bucht ist, was sowieso schneller friert, und das alles merklich kühler geworden ist. Tagsüber erreicht es vielleicht plus, aber Abends nicht und das ist wichtig.


Wie gesagt, die selber erwarten dass es erst nach Weihnachten wirklich dick genug ist, also mache ich mir noch keine Sorgen.


Sieht im Moment wirklich gut aus, Wetter ist das grösste Fragezeichen noch.


- Bret

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so mein Kühlerfrostschutz müsste für den brutalen Finnischen Winter gerüstet sein....


Minus 55° Celsius


das müsste reichen....:janeistklar:


nur mache ich mir Sorgen um meine mitteleuropäischen Winterreifen...ob die denn Finnland tauglich sind....


Uwe hat mir noch ein Horrorvideo von diesem Jahr gezeigt...wo es selbst Thomassss geschmiessen hatte:huh:


und mit meiner Heizleistung, da werde ich wohl auch noch nachrüsten müssen....naja sind ja noch gut 6,5 Wochen.

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es gibt im Moment wieder Sturm, Drang und massenweise Regen.


Oben soll es wieder kühler werden, die frage ist nur wann. Wenn der See nicht zu ist bis 15.1 haben wir ein Problem. Anfang des Jahres soll es schon zu sein; letztes Jahr war es auch am Weihnachten offen und dann am 14.2 war schon 75cm.


- Bret

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Die Wetterlage ist übrigens *sehr* unübersichtlich.


Heute, z.B, ist es theoretisch über 0 gewesen. Denkste. Bitterkalte Wind aus Westen und ca. +1 frieren einen richtig durch wenn man nicht winddicht angekleidet ist (und auch dann, wenn es nicht wirklich dick genug ist...)


Es gibt ja zwei Wetterdienste; foreca und Ilmatieteenlaitos. Foreca war in der Vergangenheit etwas zuverlässiger. Deren Vorhersage nach wird's bis Ende der Woche wieder etwas wärmer aber dann kälter. Wenn es 1-2-3 Tage gibt mit -4, ist das der Anfang vom Eis. Und der Grund ist jetzt wirklich kalt auch hier unten.

Dort oben gibt's schon gut 10cm schnee, offiziell.


Jetzt geht's für mich drum, die letzten Fragen zu klären.


- Bret

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Kleine Update:


Weather forecasts for the next few days are changing every single time they update any and all websites. One thing is already clear: this will go down to the wire. There *is* now ice on the lake, but the thickness is currently minimal and across Northern Finland, the measurements are around 10-20cm thinner than average for this time of year.


With this in mind, I'll be talking to Trackmeister hopefully still this week to work out when we can get a likely OK or not to go on the ice; I figure that around the 20th Jan we will be able to see if we're even remotely likely to be able to get on or not.


Plan B should not be an issue and I'll start to clear that one up with Trackmeister at the same time. Bear in mind, though, that the status now is *better* than last year, where the lake was still open over Christmas. -6 or so is perfectly acceptable for ice creation.


Accommodation will be paid this week, then we'll clear up the food issue after Christmas.


- Bret

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update time:


- one new person has requested information. Let's see, things are a bit tight on accommodation now, but we can fix that relatively easily.

- Wallu is confirmed as helper

- we have a confirmed photographer

- Steffen hasn't confirmed 100% but is pretty sure

- Don't know about my other helpers for the weekend, that is still vaguely open


The weather: we were at -14 on Thursday night, now it's around zero. If there's ice then the amount of snow which is about to fall - a good 15cm over the next two days - is actually a good thing, as it will insulate the ice. The warmth keeps moving into the future, let's see if it actually happens.


I will republish a roadbook in the near future. There may yet be changes for Friday morning, as I might actually be in Helsinki on Thursday night. I will confirm this when I can.


Hyvää Joulua!


- Bret

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... übrigens, das Eis ist noch nicht vollständig geschmolzen. Es besteht *etwas* Hoffnung dass es überlebt... aber eigentlich wäre frisches Besser, denn es soll übermorgen kräftig schneien. Schauen wir mal.


- Bret

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.... und das ist schon wieder alte Information.


Whatever, es wird was es wird. z.Zt wird vom 26.12 bis 3.1 Dauerfrost gezeigt.



Re: HrMausd.

I would like someone from one of the single-occupancy double rooms to volunteer :)

For Friday and Saturday, there's a spare bed in a twin room upstairs in House 2.

For Sunday night, there's a spare sofa or two, depending on exactly how it's done (and I don't remember enough of the details). It does mean some hassle with moving stuff Sunday morning. I can explain the details for the relevant people. Let me know, please, if you're up for it.


- Bret

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Update time.


Wetter? Ausgezeichnet. Nächste Woche auch Tagsüber -15. Am 2.1 -16C Abends... das ist so wie es sein soll. Auch hier z.Zt -9 bei strahlenden Sonnenschein. Thermischen Winter ist endlich angekommen, scheinbar. Mit 1-2 Wochen solchen Temperaturen kommt das Eis ganz schön schnell. Da es kaum schnee gibt, geht Eisbildung noch schneller.


Hütten? Bezahlt.


Helfer? Geklärt.


Essen? Kommt noch eine PN nächste Woche. Ich denke wir machen das mit €30 pro Kopf (lassen wir die Kinder aussen vor).

Nochmals die Bitte: Allergien - damit meine ich Gluten, Laktose, bestimmte Lebensmittel - melden. Ich will gar nicht für irgendeinen Anfall verantwortlich sein.

Noch zu tun:

- Fotografie klären

- Nummernschildabdeckungen klären

- Trainer endgültig klären

- Trackmeister anrufen und Meeting an Freitag vor Track klären

- Ein kollege ans Geld erinnern

- Kar de Mumma bestätigen

- Roadbook update & veröffentlichung


... und hoffen dass das Wetter jetzt so bleibt.




Weather? looks awesome. Next week also during the day -15. On the second of January, it should hit -16 at night, which is correct. Here, it's also -9 and sunny. Thermal Winter has arrived at last, apparently. If the weather continues like this for 1-2 weeks, the ice will be thick very quickly. Because there's also minimal snow cover, it will go even faster.


Cottages? Paid.


Helpers? Sorted.


Food? You will receive a PN next week, I think we will do this via a bank transfer and €30 per head. Again the request:

If you have an allergy, please tell me. Gluten, Lactose, particular foods (honey, nuts, ginger, apples...) - I do not want to be responsible for an incident!


Still on my list of things to do:

- Clarify Photography

- Numberplate covers

- Trainer

- Call Trackmeister and set up our meeting for the Friday before Track

- Remind a colleague about Money

- Confirm Kar de Mumma

- Update Roadbook and re-publish.


oh, and hope the weather stays like this. :jaa:


- Bret

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wqeiss ich nicht. Allerdings ist auch klar dass es dick genug ist um drauf zu spazieren..... Die machen auch noch die Beschilderung für den Parkplatz irgendwie, aber ich denke eher an "Street Furniture". Am 31.12 ist sicherlich auch noch ein grossen Feier dort...


- Bret

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To answer a couple of comments:

Trainer? Last time, this was a requirement. Now whether it is so this time or not I do not know, but the safety requirement of Trackmeister's organisation is huge and continuous. It's really almost strange in a country where I can buy an axe in a supermarket, but they are paranoid and cannot afford bad publicity.

As to cost, I know what the trainer cost was last year and have added a small amount on, with the request to keep it to Saturday morning, so it's a) cheaper and b) doesn't conflict with his own business.

The most effective way to learn is immediate feedback, we know that, and though some is given directly by the car, an outside opinion can be of use. If given the option of a cheap trainer, I will take it, if not, no. It was requested; one third of attendees is new, one third has done this before at some point and one third were here last year. So I figured that it was a nice "I'll cover this", make sure you take away some safety stuff, reintroduce the oldtimers, introduce the newbies and otherwise set things up.


I also have a massive problem in not being able to be in two places at once. I cannot make sure you guys leave on time while also having been at the lake thirty minutes ahead. I don't know where we're driving to the track and it might change anyway, which is why I need to meet Trackmeister on Friday. That's also when I understand where the cones are if I need them etc.


Regarding costs

I'm going to make this really clear: I am not doing this for a big fat zero. I am aiming to clear a small profit - call it €1-200 - and definitely no minuses.

I am not asking people to help for nothing.

I am not going for free "training".

I do bear the full responsibility for around €5.5k project budget.

If something goes wrong in a house and things break, then it's under my name.

I also get to bear the issue if something doesn't work out.


Do the houses pay for themselves? They didn't last year, they do this year. So, do I set pricing to be "cheap" or to be a little higher than it *has* to be so that if someone does drop out - and it's quite possible one car does - I'm not in the financial doo-doo? I spent days working this one out. It's a massive guess. €10 per head is €300 in total; it's a minimal amount per head but quite a lot together.


As of right now, feel free to do the math when you're clear who is paying what and who isn't.


After last year's unpleasant surprise, I'm figuring track to be around €2k. Around, because unlike in Hyvinkää, the snow work isn't included in the base price. Cottages are another €2k. Then there's the helper costs, at around €200 - including food, because I'm not asking someone to stand around in the freezing cold and then ask them to pay for it - and other incidentals like visiting Trackmeister to talk things through. A trainer will not be less than last year, of that I'm sure, but it's also a bigger group. So call it around €750. That's over €5k gone. Not all possible attendees have yet paid, not all have decided. I get to carry that risk. At least one is a freebie. I'm fine with that, especially with this level of attendance.


Until André confirmed I was damned close to running a loss. Without the remaining non-payer and the undecided, I'm at approximately zero, but will they pay or turn up? I've no idea. Others may want to join - two from last year do - but can't commit because they travel so much.


From this, then, I'm supposed to find around €6-700 to feed 30 people for the weekend. That doesn't work. Maybe I'm overestimating the food budget for the weekend (though considering even Lidl's prices here, I doubt that very much). There's still gear to be found and I'm reasonably sure I've overestimated the track cost mildly, but I am not interested in a bill in March that's even larger than what I've set aside. BTW: €60 for our own food bill for the weekend + x is about right.


If you don't want to participate, that's fine. But then please stay out of the way while we're cooking. If you don't want to drive convoy, fine, but remember you're missing out on half the fun at that point.


A final note: one of the reasons a suggestion for JT was killed was because the location wanted the (a2) club to take responsibility for the accommodation and the club didn't feel able to do that. I understand that concept completely and there's no way I would want to do this voluntarily for a larger group.


- Bret

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